Your Guide to a Stress-Free Family Photo Session with Toddlers

Family photo sessions with toddlers can be both delightful and challenging. As a Perth family photographer specialising in capturing authentic moments, I understand the unique dynamics that come with photographing young children. This detailed guide will help you prepare for a stress-free family photo session, ensuring the experience is enjoyable and results in beautiful, genuine photos.

1. Preparing Your Toddler

Talk About the Photoshoot: Explain to your toddler what will happen during the photoshoot. Use simple and positive language, and make it sound like an exciting adventure. For example, you can say, “We’re going to meet a friend who will take fun pictures of us playing and having a great time!”

Practice at Home: Spend some time playing “photographer” at home. Take turns taking photos with a toy camera or your phone. This can help your toddler become more comfortable with the idea of being photographed.

On the Day: Keep the day’s routine as normal as possible. Avoid any significant changes that might disrupt your toddler’s mood. Make sure they are well-rested and fed before the session. Bring along their favourite snacks like rice crackers or apple slices—foods they enjoy that won’t stain their clothing.

2. Embrace the Chaos

Let Them Lead: Toddlers are naturally curious and energetic. It’s important to allow them to explore and be themselves during the session. My approach is to let the little ones lead, making our sessions calm and centred around their needs and interests. This method helps in capturing their true personalities and the genuine connections within your family.

Go with the Flow: Expect the unexpected. Toddlers might not always follow directions or stick to a plan. Be flexible and ready to adapt to their mood and behaviour. This mindset reduces stress and makes the session more enjoyable for everyone. I don’t have a set time for any of my sessions apart from a mini session, so there is no rush. There is plenty of time for breaks.

3. Preparation is Key

Choose the Right Time: Schedule the session at a time when your toddler is usually well-rested and in a good mood. Winter season is great for toddlers, but I know this isn’t for everyone. If it is summer in Perth, our sessions are quite late, so if you can, try for a rest or a small car ride to allow a short nap.

Studio sessions are a great alternative in Summer. 

Bring Comfort Items: Familiar items like a favourite toy or blanket can provide comfort and help keep your toddler calm and happy during the session. These items can also be used as props to create more personalised and meaningful photos.

Dress Comfortably: Choose outfits that are comfortable and allow freedom of movement. Avoid overly complicated or restrictive clothing, which can make toddlers feel uncomfortable and irritable. Neutral and coordinating colours work well and keep the focus on the interactions and emotions.

4. Make It Fun

Engage in Play: Incorporate play into the session. Simple games like peek-a-boo, chasing bubbles, or singing songs can capture joyful expressions and genuine smiles. As your Perth family photographer, I encourage parents to interact naturally with their children, creating opportunities for candid and heartfelt moments.

Short Attention Spans: Toddlers have short attention spans, so keep the session brief and engaging. Breaks can be taken when needed, allowing them to run around and burn off energy. This helps in keeping them happy and cooperative. As your photographer, I can usually tell when they have had enough.

5. Manage Expectations

Realistic Goals: Understand that not every moment will be perfect, and that’s okay. The goal is to capture the essence of your family and the unique bond you share. Embrace the imperfections, as they often result in the most memorable and cherished photos.

Patience is Key: Patience is crucial when working with toddlers. There may be moments of fussiness or reluctance, but with a calm and patient approach, we can gently guide them back into the session. Remember, a relaxed parent helps in creating a relaxed child. Mama, don’t worry about your child not smiling or looking at me. This isn’t what I want or need your toddler to do, however there will be an opportunity for an all-look-at-the-camera photo if this is what you are wanting.

6. Involve the Whole Family

Sibling Interactions: If there are older siblings, involve them in the session. Their interactions with the toddler can produce heartwarming and natural moments. Encourage them to play and engage with each other, creating a dynamic and lively atmosphere.

Parental Presence: Parents play a significant role in setting the tone for the session. Stay positive, encouraging, and relaxed. Your emotions can influence your toddler’s mood, so maintaining a calm and joyful demeanour is essential.


Family photo sessions with toddlers can be a wonderful experience when approached with the right mindset and preparation. By embracing the chaos, preparing adequately, making the session fun, managing expectations, and involving the whole family, you can ensure a stress-free and enjoyable experience. As a Perth family photographer who believes in allowing little ones to lead, my sessions are designed to be calm and centred around your toddler, capturing the genuine moments that make your family unique.

If you’re looking to document these precious moments with a photographer who understands and appreciates the beauty of everyday interactions, feel free to reach out. Let’s create lasting memories together, one authentic moment at a time.

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